Eden M@il2013-09-28 15:02:33
A galaxy-wide email service has been introduced for all citizens of the Eden Galaxy. Email addresses have the form <username>@eden-galaxy.net and can be either set up to forward emails to an existing account or be used as a full-featured email account. Please contact the Eden Galaxy support or DM us at @theEdenGalaxy.
Twitter2013-09-28 12:44:14
The Eden Galaxy is now on Twitter! Follow @theEdenGalaxy for live updates on server status and development, join discussions on future plans, send us your ideas and get in direct contact with game support.
Server Update to 1.6.22013-08-11 19:11:24
Finally another major update: The server is now running Minecraft 1.6.2, also known as The Horse Update. Due to protocol changes the status tool has not been available for some hours, but is fixed now.
A summary of changes in Minecraft can be found here.
Don't forget to use Left Shift now to unmount a Minecart…
Seismic Map2013-04-04 07:45:11
As a cave map with depth tinting is pretty useful, but depending on the needs one without is much easier to use, and depth tinting cannot be applied to an overlay, a new map type has been introduced: Seismic. Basically the same as the Cave map, but adds depth tinting.
Map Changes2013-04-01 19:54:37
The map system has been updated. Instead of having a separate map per planet and dimension, all maps are now merged into one. You can select a map via the dropdown in the upper left corner. Additional changes and extensions include:
- New Ground rendering reveals the surface of planets without water, lava or ice
- New Vegetation overlay for biome data (applies to Daylight, Ground and Night rendering only)
- New Slime overlay for chunks in that slimes natively spawn (excluding swamp areas and applies to Daylight, Ground and Night rendering only)
- The Underworld rendering does no longer use depth tinting; this is experimental and feedback is welcome on which of the two variants is more useful
- Hunting Grounds were changed into an overlay, available for Daylight, Night and Ground renderings.
- Changed colours for overlays and full use of alpha channels
- Map update status display in the upper right corner (hidden, if no rendering is in progress)
- Smaller font sizes for coordinates and map update status floaters
- Display names for worlds as used by the website (instead of internal identifiers)
Slimes near the Pyramid2013-02-14 15:00:10
If you ever wondered where suddenly the slimes near the pyramid come from: Since version 12w40a slimes also spawn in swamp biomes during the night. And next to the pyramid is a swamp biome.
Server Update to 1.4.72013-02-12 23:00:12
Minecraft 1.4.7, released early January this year, is now finally running on Eden. You can connect with 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 clients, so it's safe to update or keep a current 1.4.6 installation.
After updating the server animals did not move and crashed the server. This issue has been resolved, but the reason is still unknown. If you should experience strange behaviour of passive mobs, please report those to a mayor.
Researching the issue I found out the reason why animals kept glitching over fences: This is a known issue and related to loading and saving chunks.
Researching the issue I found out the reason why animals kept glitching over fences: This is a known issue and related to loading and saving chunks.
Server Update to 1.4.52012-12-21 15:12:09
Eden is running Minecraft 1.4.5 now. Sadly, 1.4.6 clients cannot connect and the server will not be updated until there is a more or less stable release of CraftBukkit for 1.4.6. You can update your client files, but will have to manually revert the minecraft.jar in your support binaries directory to 1.4.5, available here: minecraft.net.
Server Update to 1.4.22012-11-17 11:51:38
The server has just been updated to Minecraft 1.4.2. Please note, that the current release of Minecraft is 1.4.4, so using the Minecraft updater will give you an incompatible version of the client; you have to manually download the client file from Mojang and replace the minecraft.jar in your support binaries directory:
Server Update to 1.3.12012-08-21 17:32:44
Server is running on Minecraft 1.3.1 now. It is safe to connect with 1.3.2 clients, so feel free to update. According to mojang.com the update contains the following changes:
- The game now runs an internal server in single-player mode
- The single-player server can be shared on LAN, with LAN server detection
- Made it possible to use client-side commands by enabling cheats (this is defaulted as disabled for old worlds)
- Added an optional “bonus chest” to get started quicker
- It’s now possible to trade with villagers. Added emeralds as a currency
- You gain enchantment orbs from other tasks than just destroying monsters. Max enchantment level has been decreased to 30
- Servers can automatically suggest and distribute texture packs
- Added new world map elements (does not need a new map, but they’ll only appear in new areas)
- Added cocoa beans
- Added an Ender chest
- Added tripwire
- Wooden logs can be placed sideways